LSN is an artist whose work resides within the liminal spaces between installation and performance.
Fascinated by the interconnections between temporal horizons, LSN utilizes acoustic sound sources derived from bespoke microtonal instruments tuned to a 53-tone just-intonation hyperchromatic scale. They are designed for multiple people to play simultaneously in a live scenario or sampled and spatialized alongside choreographed routines.
The exploration of psychoacoustics and the hypersaturation of pitch space is coupled with the durational approach of processual procedures. Entering the sonic streams of harmonic relations, intervallic pathways are followed to unveil the eternal recurrence of pitch. Time is experienced as domain.
Infinity loops are formed with no defined beginnings or endings. The works are always at their own centre, where past is future, and future is past, boosting receptivity toward the intensities, atmospheric values, and resonances of the moment.
An equality of shared responsibility manifests within the artform and between participants. A complete absence of hierarchy is maintained, that liberates the subjects from individuation and allows the pleasures of pulsating collectivity.
Akin to visual artforms the works emit a palpable presence. They form entities that independently exist in their own totality; becoming spaces where audiences can use their own bodily movements as an experimental medium of perception and experience, creating zones of indeterminacy between the self and the Other.
Using these methods, LSN engages with current sociotemporal concerns which are impacting our lives. Hyperculture, echo chambers, dyschronisity, self-reference, intoxicating visions of acceleration, and the loss of world are all habitual themes.
This disquietude is juxtaposed with the exploration of the Other. Through playful encounters, the works aim to rekindle senses of wonder, memories and anticipations, contemplation, the art of lingering, and what it might truly mean to be present in a world.